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Support and Defend Life Group


When: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Location: Eatonville

Leader: Dave Thirtyacre 

Location: Anthem Coffee - Sunrise Village
Leader: Bob Wagner

Young Mens Group


Location: Graham
Leader: Roman Nugen


Location: High Pointe 

Leader: Eric Wiltse

Location: Puyallup

Leader: Rob Zimmerman


Location: Puyallup
Leader: Ann Brownlee

Location: Puyallup
Leader: Kris Castle

Location: High Pointe - Conference Room
Leader: Maleta Benson

Location: Puyallup
Leader: Tonya Stoeck

Location: Eatonville

Leader: Molly Schultz

Location: Puyallup
Leader: Jamie Bostick


Thursdays - 6:30pm

9th-12th Graders
Location: Puyallup - Rhea's Home
Leader: Steve Hendricks

Thursdays - 6:30pm

7th-8th Graders

Location: Polson's home - Puyallup
Leader: Samantha Polson


1st, 2nd, 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7pm

and 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:15pm
Location: tbd
Leaders: Dwight & Cristina Anderson

Location: Puyallup
Leaders: Bob & Mary Barnette

Young Married Couples with childcare

Location: High Pointe
Leaders: Tom & Danielle Williams

Young Married Couples

(Under 30yrs old)


Location: Spanaway (Elk Plain)
Leaders: Aandre & Alicia McDonell

Location: High Pointe

Leaders: Sean & Amanda Naylor and Kevin & Tabitha Moberg

Location: Puyallup
Leaders: James & Stephanie Larkins

Location: Puyallup
Leader: Mark & Mary Anderson

Location: Graham

Leaders: Mark & Christie Rayburn

1st and 3rd Tuesdays

Location: Puyallup

Leaders: Steven and Aracely Hinkeldey

Location: Graham
Leaders: Dennis & Joy Casey

Location: Spanaway
Leaders: Craig & Jodi Heller


Tuesdays - 10am

Location: High Pointe
Leader: Art Tyler

Our 55+ group

Tuesdays - 10am

Location: Puyallup
Leader: Callie McHugh​


Women's group on Proverbs

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